@inproceedings{sengupta2017aic, title = {Analyzing the Impact of Cognitive Load in Evaluating Gaze-Based Typing}, author = {Sengupta, Korok and Sun, Jun and Menges, Raphael and Kumar, Chandan and Staab, Steffen}, year = {2017}, month = jun, booktitle = {2017 IEEE 30th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS)}, publisher = {IEEE}, volume = {Special Track on Multimodal Interfaces for Natural Human Computer Interaction: Theory and Applications}, pages = {787--792}, doi = {10.1109/CBMS.2017.134}, keywords = {cognition;electroencephalography;eye;Fourier transforms;gaze tracking;human computer interaction;keyboards;medical signal processing;neurophysiology;user interfaces;text entry performance measures;Gaze-based virtual keyboards;keyboard usability;Short-time Fourier Transform;EEG signal analysis;eye typing usability;word suggestion positioning;eye typing evaluation measure;eye gaze;human brain cognition;natural eye movements;cognitive load;Keyboards;Electroencephalography;Visualization;Layout;eye typing;gaze input;EEG;cognitive load} }